Once our assessment is complete, we will discuss with you some treatment options to help your smile look more natural, healthy and youthful. Call today to schedule your free cosmetic dentistry consultation!
Now you can have significantly whiter teeth in a matter of a few days using advanced teeth whitening techniques. Both comfortable and affordable, our teeth whitening cosmetic dentistry procedure involves you wearing a specially crafted tray for a few hours in order to achieve a surprising difference in your smile!
Bonding is the quick and painless way to restore your smile’s natural beauty. If your smile is dulled by chips, stains, cracks or misaligned teeth, bonding can help you reclaim it in a single visit. During the bonding procedure, a thin coat of plastic or resin is painted over the damaged teeth, strengthening them while keeping a natural look.
Bonding is the quick and painless way to restore your smile’s natural beauty. If your smile is dulled by chips, stains, cracks or misaligned teeth, bonding can help you reclaim it in a single visit. During the bonding procedure, a thin coat of plastic or resin is painted over the damaged teeth, strengthening them while keeping a natural look.
Veneers are an excellent alternative to crowns and can perfect your smile by masking stains, hiding chips, correcting misalignment and creating uniformity. Veneers, which are made of thin, customized material designed to slide over the teeth, look incredibly natural, are long-lasting and are relatively easy to apply.